
Big Brother take me away

I was hoping that today that I would have a new video up on the LimeBlog announcing a couple of things. First, I wanted to announce this blog; LimeANALog at it's .com address. Really, I haven't announced much about this area because I like to do things big! Second, I wanted to announce that the LimeBlog could finally be found at LimeBlog.com instead of the hard to remember lgt2.com/limeblogbeta or vlog.lgt2.com. Sadly, after waiting about 5 months anxiously, the current owner of LimeBlog.com (some no name in Korea) renewed the domain another year. I was online at 12:01am to snatch it and instead got another slap in the face my an asian (they always slap me in the face for some reason, but that's another story... kisses to all my asian friends). So, it didn't happen and I wanted to rant about that... so I am thinking of alternatives in the meantime and will announce them shortly.

Second, I do not have any time anyway to create videos and podcasts... hardly have time to write this entry either (as I am rushing though). Work has been insane lately, I just can't keep up but am working around the clock everyday to do my best. This happens occasionally, being self employed, you have to grab as much business as you can, but then you have to have some sort of timeline so you can finish all the work on time. No matter how hard I try, the timelines always get messed up and everything either comes all at once or nothing at all. The past couple weeks its been all at once and I don't see it letting up any time soon. So, I get very anxious. Every time I get anxious, I quit smoking... why do I do that. Anyway, I'm being blessed in ways I do not understand. Huh?

I'm losing train of thought again, because I know I have to go and get back to work. I do have to say that I have been doing something else while I am working... and that is being completely obsessed with Big Brother... not just the current USA season that is playing out on tv right now, but also going back and watching Season 1 and 2... 3 and parts of 4, parts of 5 and 6 ... AND I just finished watching the UK season 7 and am wanting to go back and watch 6 again. OMG, what am I doing to myself. I can't get enough... but it's fun and keeps me virtual company during the days and nights while I sit at my computer and work all by my lonesome :(

So, pray for me, I need help in many ways. Or I just need to take a break and go to the bar one night soon. You decide: to vote 'stay at home and work' press 1, to vote 'go get drunk' press 2. All calls are $.99 and do not go towards a charity. Find out Sunday, on a very special episode of LimeANALog, who will be sober or who will be drunk.

'fade in theme song'



Weekends are like wet feet

Shoot it's already Wednesday... I've been meaning to write about my weekend... but now its headed to being irrelevant soon. I'll just recap with broken sentences and dot dot dots then...

Missed the Vloggercue in St. Louis, but I will get to one next year, so I'm not too worried about that. It's actually good to miss vlogging events, because you still get to see the event like 15 times over and over throughout the weeks. Think about it.

Friday, Matt's (my roommate and ex-bf) mom and step dad visited over the weekend... they treated me to an awesome $30 steak at Mike Ditka's downtown. Never had been there before (for obvious reason; not into sports). I got a kick out of all the cigar smoking Mike Ditka wannabes with mustaches. So glad I'm gay.

Saturday, attended the Gay Chicago Bloggers meetup. Had a great time. Got drunk and met new people... that's all I ask for. I've been waiting for a list of who attended, but haven't seen it posted yet. Some of them that I have found on my own include :: Alan's Adventure, Andymatic, Chargenda, Nillo's Night, Oblogitory and more that I will add later!

Seem like a good group of guys and look forward to attending future meetups! Meeting non-video bloggers also reaffirmed my newly launched text and photo blog (this one, LimeANALog).

Photos from the event are HERE via Alan's blog.

Sunday, met up with my long lost friend and first Chicago roommate, Karen. So exciting to had seen her again and got to hang out like old times. We ended on a bad note years ago when she moved away from Chicago, but finally have forgotten the silliness of the past and are now back to good friends. I pray that she moves back to Chicago soon. She completes me. Also was reaquanted with Keith who I was friends through Karen, and therefore lost contact with since she has left. Very cool! Don't fuck up friendships for no reason, that is the story here.

After that, the guy that I am currently seeing, DeJohn, came back from his family reunion over the weekend and got to hang out with him over the past few nights... so that has been fun too ;)

Now for the shit. Work has been insane in may ways this week, unlike how it is insane on most other weeks. Hmmm, not going to talk about work... but it is what it is. Then the real shit, my little baby Dres died yesterday. He was such a good lil boy. Unfortunately, I have not finished my phase of having hamsters again, like I did when I was a kid and Dres will be the last one for a while, if not forever. Dres is now in the freezer until futher notice and his lil home is in the trash. Poor lil baby.

There, I tried to keep it short. Hmmm. Tomorrow, I will meet my mom in the morning at the hospital for some stuff and then work work work. Also, I will be crying as Big Brother UK ends this week. So that's that. I'm very tired now and don't expect this to read well, but wanted to GET IT UP.

Toodles for now!


Fruits buying fruits

Fruits buying fruits
Originally uploaded by vectorlyme.

... thats what you get when there is a fruit stand in boystown...hmmm


Group apologizes for taking three years worth of Taco Bell sauces

OMG, I swear I had nothing to do with this, but damn, at least I don't feel so alone for wanting to do just the same! I mean, the sauces are free and sooooooo goooood :) (hot sauce only)

Group apologizes for taking three years worth of Taco Bell sauces

A group of 10 to 15 masked individuals entered Taco Bell, 3244 S. Western Ave., around 10:46 p.m. Tuesday to return a three-year stash of fire sauce packets, police say.

The group returned six 40-gallon trash bags filled with approximately, 25,000 sauce packets to the restaurant.

With the stash was a note stating that they had been accumulating the sauces over three years and kept them stored in the trunk of a vehicle, but felt guilty about keeping them and decided to return them to the restaurant.

Delicious Decisions

I had a bitch of a time trying to make up my mind for this upcoming weekend... but everything happens for a reason, right!?! It's been planned that I would be going to Vloggercue in St. Louis this weekend, however, I couldn't make definite plans because of other events that were occurring on the same weekend and a fine line of finances that I have to work with. Unfortunately, today, I had to make the decision due to my current (lack of) finances and that the Amtrak train prices went up today almost double. So that solidified that I would not be going to St. Louis. Fortunately, I am ok with that as I will now be able to see a long time friend of mine, Karen, who is going to be in Chicago only this weekend! She is the chick that I moved to Chicago originally with 8 years ago! I'm very excited about that! Though I would love to meet the vloggers that I haven't met yet at the Q, I am confident that I will at some later point. They are always having meetups. On another good note, gay bloggers from Chicago are having a meetup just a few blocks away from me on Saturday (see below), so I can attend that now and meet some new people! I felt lucky to have Jan visit Chicago this past Thursday, so that has curbed some of my video blogging appetite. I may also go to Evanston on Monday to meet Stephanie (another video blogger from a far that is visiting). However, I will need to see if I can get there and back via da CTA. So, that is what is going on! I am having house guests too over the weekend, as my roommate's mom and step dad are visiting us. I guess its meant to be, huh. I know I will be sad when I see the videos from the Q, but I'm still happy with what I get to do and people I get to see as I am left behind in Chicago :) If you are in the Chitown area, stop by Cocktail on Saturday and say hi to the bloggers, podcasters and video bloggers!

Until next time...

Check it >>


A thinker!

A thinker!
Originally uploaded by vectorlyme.

Thought of the day with typical grammar and spelling errors! Proof reading is for da squirrels.


@ .com !!

Activated. limeANALog.com


Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com


Schwag time

Schwag time
Originally uploaded by vectorlyme.

Inspired by Jan and others, I decided to finally share myself and some of the schwag that I have been hoarding. I feel like I gave new life to my poor old G4 Titanium Powerbook. 2001 meet 2006!

p.s. I really want schwag from Flickr and Skype

p.p.s. I turned 31 today, but still want that schwag :)

CTA dream come true!

I've been saying for the longest time, since all the CTA busses have GPS units in them so that a automated voice announces the upcoming street, why don't they have them connected to the internet and/or electronic signs at all the bus stops saying how long it will be till the next bus arrives. So damn simple!

Finally, they are doing just this! First, experimenting with the #20 downtown in the loop. I'm so excited! I hope they get on the ball and make this a Chicago wide feature very soon!




Originally uploaded by vectorlyme.

Says it all!

Jan - Node 101

Jan - Node 101
Originally uploaded by vectorlyme.

Road Node 101 Jan from fauxpress.blogspot.com makes a stop in Chicago - Anne Sathers Restaurant

Cell Phone Post 08.05.06

this is an audio post - click to play


LimeANALog will be utilized!

I really want to keep the consitancy to my LimeBlog videoblog (with occassional podcasts) however, sometimes I like to write (good god, no) and audio blab (on my cell phone) or share photos (flickr) too... hence the new, LimeAnalog.

Thanks for subscribing! You must really like me, awwwww shucks :)

More fun stuff soon!
