WOW... I mean WoW... I mean trouble
This about sums it up...
World of Warcrack - Documentary of a World of Warcraft Addiction
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Posted by
3:19 PM
Today Miles Levin left
I'm posting this as a personal bookmark in my own life. No need for me to explain to you.
The above was a metaphor.
This was Miles. An Article.
Posted by
12:42 PM
Videoblogging vs. YouTube... huh?
Well, my ADD is coming through... but I was trying to vent my feelings about old school/original rise of videoblogging and the YouTube generation... then combining the two, yet keeping separated. Good lord. I make a statement about video bloggers being more passionate about their work versus YouTubers and more I think about it, that isn't fair to say... so advanced apologies :)
Posted by
10:40 PM
Podcamp Chicago
Something else to look forward to... well next year... PodCamp Chicago! Now, I don't do audio podcasts anymore on the LimeBlog, but I think video and audio podcasters get along more now days (I hope) and either way I'm always interested in the technology, people and of course RSS feeds... So I'm definitely looking forward to such an event! So if you are in the Chicagoland area check out podcampchi.com or if you want to check out if there is an PodCamp near you check out podcamp.pbwiki.com
See you... well... next year.
Posted by
11:33 AM
Don't sit on my table
O shoot, please don't tell anyone... but there is actually something that I think is cool and its from... shhhhhhh... Micros**t ;) Check it out if you haven't seen it already!
Posted by
12:46 PM
Meeting Rue McClanahan
All I could say was "It's is REALLY nice to meet you"... who knew! Anyway, I uploaded some crappy photos and video if you want to check them out! She is a very cool lady even though she claims she is not a 'Blanch' (we all know better then at). I look forward to reading her book... I may just finish it! (I say that not because of her, but because I never finish books)
Flickr photos
YouTube Video Clips
Chicago, Michigan Ave. Borders Store, May 17, 2007
Posted by
12:37 AM
Petoskey Sunset Timelapse
Sunset photos and videos might get repetitious, even though not one are ever the same, but I have found for myself, that when you take them yourself, they mean even more then their own natural beauty. Here is an 18 minute video (in 41 seconds) I took of the sunset at the ridiculously odd named 'Sunset Park' in Petoskey. It would have been longer if I hadn't run out of tape, but still glad that I captured it. It also reminds me of spending quality time with my dad at the time, which is also something to always cherish. So, here it is, for the 1st or 4,234 time that you might have seen the sunset!
UPDATE :: This guy added his own sound to my video... thought that was kind of cool!
Posted by
7:30 PM
It's been long over due... almost a full year since I have visited my home town, Petoskey, Michigan. I try to come here at least twice a year, but that doesn't always go to plan. So, that being said, I'm so happy to finally get out of the city madness for a week and chill at my dad's house. I love to spend time catching up with my dad and visiting my grandmother who is going on 98 years old this October. I don't do much when I come up here like I used to a few years ago. I make sure never to tell anyone I'm coming up, so that I can just take it all by ear and make sure I get lots of time in with family first. Hopefully that doesn't sound rude to my friends, but I think they would understand. I did contact a couple on Myspace today, so I may end up seeing a couple long lost friends after all. I have and will be uploading some pictures of the beautiful town on my Flickr account so do check them out!
On a side note, to people wondering what is going on with the LimeBlog, videoblog... we'll nothing at the moment, but that doesn't mean anything specific. I hope to get some new videos up within the month, if not, then no longer then the end of June, I promise! So stay tuned to that as well!
Posted by
10:13 PM
Good to be an Apple user right now (with some cash)
Though I can't run to the store and get these products... Think of what all is possible if you have a semi to very powerful Mac and then spend about $3500 on software (much less if you only have to upgrade) on two recently released suites of software; Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection and Apple's Final Cut Studio 2. It's absolutely mind boggling! I can't even begin to list all of the possibilities. What costs hundreds of thousands of dollars just a few years ago can now be accomplished on your Mac for so little. Still, I don't have the money to get these, but knowing that it is something obtainable, it is definitely something to get excited about and work for in the future!
Posted by
4:10 PM
RIP da PowerBook
RIP da PowerBook
Originally uploaded by vectorlyme.
O gosh I'm just not ready to say goodbye. TiLime got me through a lot over the past 6 years. Just not fair... why... why....
Posted by
11:20 PM
See Kevin Cry
This makes Kevin cry... an ad I see in Craigslist tonight ::
I'm in such a need of a new laptop, it's not funny (without getting into details)... then I see this ad posted. Cry, I Cry, I do.
Posted by
8:32 PM
Smoking 2.0
This Friday, I will be smoke-free (not even a puff) for 12 weeks! But, it's still something I think about almost every minute and still use 'the gum'. So, I still find any related news about kicking the habit interesting, like this ::
Via Wired
Smoking 2.0 Give Lungs a Break
By Nicole Martinelli
02:00 AM Mar, 15, 2007
MILAN, Italy -- The NicStic is a cigarette-size plastic tube with a rechargeable heating coil that vaporizes tobacco instead of burning it.
Pop a filter on the end of the tube, and in seconds it is warmed up enough for a nicotine fix without the smoke. Because it has no smoke, it also has none of the tar, arsenic, cadmium and formaldehyde of regular cigarettes; it also passes muster with local anti-smoking laws here.
Posted by
7:14 PM
Must See Public Transit System Concert
Not only is it a great performance, but what is fun about this type of demonstration, is watching other peoples reactions. I see similar, far less talented, song-breakouts on the CTA here in Chicago. Always fun to watch what other people do or don't do!
Posted by
7:04 PM
Snip-it convo of the day
Subway worker sandwich artists lady person ::
"I'd like your sandwich with his bacon!"
My thought ::
"That's what she said!"
Posted by
3:59 PM
OMG I bought a CD
OMG I bought a CD
Originally uploaded by vectorlyme.
I buy through iTunes all the time, but I'm missing the tangible goodness of touch, smell, wax your beloved CDs. Arcade Fire's Neon Bible is the perfect start to touch. Trust me on this one, just pick it up even if you don't know anything about them!
Posted by
12:27 PM
Lights, Camera, Message
These days, everyone is trying to get their message out. It's never been easier thanks to the internet and more specifically, blogs and YouTube type services. However, after reading about what these guys are doing with computers and lazers, the internet never looked so small! One could put a shinny sticker on a lamp post to deliver a message or one could kick-fux-slappity (I just made that up) your face with an illuminating, 200+foot message! You choose!
Posted by
11:03 AM
Idol's sowing the seeds of huh?
My my, I never thought I would see the day :: I'm blogging about something to do with American Idol! However, here is my disclaimer :: I barely ever watch the show, but will watch it, if I happen to switch the channel over it while working. So that being said, I miss a lot, yet, because I am an information freak, I subscribe to a blog called Rickey.org to get my info on who was kicked off the show or what not. Then head over to the American Idol web site to see who the hell it is/was! Anyway... the point why I'm blogging about this is because on Rickey's (who is a cutie) web site and there he had posted the first, collaborative song they sang last night, which I had missed. To my suprise, it was Tears For Fear's Sowing the Seeds of Love! Everyone -- ish -- knows that I am a long life fan of Tears For Fears, so it was exciting/uncomfortable to hear this years Idols sing one of my favorite songs. Needless to say, I wasn't that impressed, but was impressed that was the song they chose to sing! So, if you are interested in hearing it, for better or worse, head on over to Rickey.org!
On a side note, related to American Idol, the contestant who I am rooting for this is Sanjaya Malakar. Why? Well, I think I heard him sing in the audition phase once or twice, but the main reason is cause he is such a little cutie :) I love basing my opinions solely on looks. I know I'm the only one who does that, right!?!
Posted by
5:15 PM
I am complete!
I am complete!
Originally uploaded by vectorlyme.
Finally, all episodes of the Golden Girls are mine and I can rest easily now... o shoot... and then there's Maude :)
Posted by
5:52 PM
Why did you do it Kev!?
Today, I spontaneously uploaded part of the new design to my freelance business. After 10 years, I have decided to move away from (never completely though) the Limegreen Tangerine brand and focus more on my own name as a brand.Originally, I choose Limegreen Tangerine in 1997 as a brand name for myself because it was fun, non-intimidating and easy to remember. Over the years, however, people still couldn't spell it (sad, I know!), replaced other colors for Limegreen and/or Tangerine (lazy asses) or worse, thought I was some huge, incorporated business (haha). So, as I state on the new site design, I will always be the limegreen tangerine designer... but I am KevinBuckstiegel.com. True, my last name is even harder to remember and spell, but I will always keep my other domains live, so it will still be easy as limegreen cheesecake to find me! I am not just a color or fruit (omg), I am a designer :)
So, the new design is live, however, it is only about 69% finished. I plan on enhancing it over the next month or two, so stay tuned! More changes will be coming to my other main sites; LGT2.com, LimeBlog.tv, LimeAnalog.com and BeatriceArthur.com.
2007 is the year of change... once again! Why? Simple! I get bored and love change... that really is the #1 reason! Hot pink is the new Limegreen Tangerine kid-o!
Posted by
3:15 PM
Sleeping in Chicago (on the CTA)
Saw this on the local news and was tickled to see someone a) doing this and b) getting some publicity for it! For anyone who takes public transportation to get from point a to point b on a daily basis can appreciate what this Chicagoan artist/musician has done. She has captured a very intimate part of what people share with everyone on a daily basis :: sleeping.
Sleepy Urbanite
Have more questions on the legality of this like we all wonder (yes, it's very legal!), then check out this online article that she also links to from within her site.
Finally, another site that I have found that I use daily and yet seems to go as an unsung hero ::
If you have caller id and have a passion to find out who the fuck keeps calling you after you have signed up for the do not call registry, then let this site be your new online, quick click, drug!
Posted by
1:18 AM
R.I.P Anna Anna Anna
WOW, I'm in shock. I just got a message on my cell phone that Anna Nicole Smith died. I read it 5 times and then turned on CNN where I'm learning more about it at this moment (not much to learn though at this point).
I have always had a secret appreciation of Anna Nicole Smith. So many people have dogged her over the years, but there was something that I always liked about her and have always stuck up for her. She's one of the persons that I would have loved to have met and had our photo up on my web site to brag to the world about. That won't be happening now.
So, I'm sure by the time you read this on my little, less known LimeAnalog, you will have already known about Anna's demise, but wow... how tragic. Tragic for her last year and now the ultimate this year. No matter if you liked her or hated her, very sad situation. Now, have to find out the why.
Posted by
3:23 PM
I have the POWER! (with aches and pains)
Well, yesterday, I went to the doctor for something that has been worried me for at least a year now, but a few years in total. You see, I had been a smoker for quite a few years. Over time, I have developed some pains around my upper right side of my chest and front, right side of my neck. Recently, I have added new pains to the mix in my upper back and even my right eye. I went to an eye doctor a few weeks ago, but all checked out normal. Granted that I work and play at the computer for the majority hours of the day, I still was worried that my pains were caused from smoking and not just by my sitting all day. It has gotten to the point that I had to see the doctor again about this issue. To make a long story short, the doctor was quite sure that the pains are caused by my excessive sitting in one position all day and has prescribed me to go to physical thearapy for a time being to learn how to stretch properly and hopefully resolving the muscle pain issues. That was understandable news and felt confident that could quite be the problem. However, before the doctor left, I had for a favor... to do a chest x-ray. I just needed to know if there was anything abnormal going on in there, for my own peace of mind. Luckly the doctor said that wouldn't be a problem. Also luckily, I was able to get in immediately to get the x-ray done and for her to look at it. The doctor called me back in to the hallway and said everything that everything was normal! That is all that I needed to know. I know I'm always at risk, being that I have been a smoker for smoking related problems, but the good news is that I'm good right now. Even better news to tell all of you, is that I have basically, secretly quit smoking 7 weeks ago this Friday! I haven't had one puff and plan to never have one again. I have scared myself silly so much, that it is truly more stressful then not smoking at all. I know that only smokers will really understand what I go through with the nasty addiction, but its something for everyone to understand to a point. They say that people start smoking to look cool. Well, I started because I was bored out of my mind at the job I had at the time. I can say, now, that I look cool for not smoking! I normally don't tell people when I quit smoking, because I have failed so many times before, but this time it just feels right. I have too many important things in my life that I don't want fucked up because of smoking.
So, that is it about that! I am relieved and am ready to tackle the rest of the day to day problems, minus one. As a reward, I then took the train to Best Buy after my appointment and treated myself to something that I have been wanting for a few weeks :) The DVD set of 'The New Adventures of He-Man'. Everyone already knows that I'm a huge He-Man fan, but this tv series is quite different and short lived from the original. With an open mind, I had to see it to see what the creators were trying to do with it at the time. To my surprise, it's not nearly as bad as what everyone had said it to be! I even wrote a short review about it on TV.com. So, after I have completed watching the DVD set, I will then get off my butt and go to the gym to knock out those cricks and cranks in my muscles from sitting too long! Wish me luck (on the exercise and continuing on not smoking!)
Posted by
3:01 PM
Skype to the rescue (for now)!
Well, Winston is now in Scotland for the next 3 months and just as I began the mourning process, technology saved the day (for now)!
I know Skype and video conferencing is nothing new and I have been using it for years now, but its so nice that it is available to use when there are really no other choices in certain situations. We want to see, hear and touch each other on a daily basis, but can't due to distance. So, two out of three, isn't so bad at the end of the day. Instead of catching up on our day over dinner or whatnot, it's now over Skype.As some of you know, I have used Skype to get to know new people in other countries such as Brazil, Chile and Colombia for various personal projects. I have never met them in person (yet), but Skype has really gave me the feeling that I do know my new 'internet based' friends very well, over the years. I hear them, see their facial expressions and manorisms. Still photos, phone calls and/or emails can't give you those elements in total. In Winston's and my case, it is just the opposite. I know him as a 3-dimensional person first, now reduced to just 2-dimensions. Just teasing, of course, but I hope you get what I'm saying. It's all pretty damn good for when you can't meet in person.
So, the purpose of this blog entry is to remind you to use the technology we have available! I remember dreaming of the day where video and audio over the internet would be seamless and streamline when I moved away from my family to Chicago 8 years ago. I am disappointed that my dad and brother don't want to video chat with me more these days, but I guess it's because of my freakish looking mug, so that is understandable :) Either way, I'm making use out of the technology with some people and I hope you do too!
I also hope Winston doesn't mind that I took some screen shots of our conversation today. He'll find out eventually, huh!
Have a good day all!
Posted by
11:02 PM
More 'Office' to go!
Now you can watch 'The Office' and surf the 'Office' web site on the go! Truly, an amazing piece of electronic goodness.
Told you that Apple would deliver :)
Guess it (iPhone) does a couple other things ::
Music, Video, Phone Calls, Voicemail, SMS, Photos, Safari Web Browser, Email, Google Maps, 2mp Camera, Widgets, Mac OS, Wifi, EDGE, Auto Sensors, Multi-touch input, Bluetooth, 480x320 screen ratio, more, more and more.
Posted by
4:07 PM
The best thing about every new year :: Apple's keynote
So, it is that time of year again! Every year, after New Year's night is done and over with, there is always something exciting to look forward to right around the corner. And that something is Apple's keynote. For at least the past 6-7 years, I have marked my calendar and digital alarm timers for this event, which is usually streamed on Apple's web site.
I do follow the rumors that surface every year, as well... how can you not! However, I never get my hopes up. When Steve does reveal something new and wonderful, it usually is one step up what the rumor speculation anyway.
Apple are marketing monsters and they love people like me! My family and friends know that what ever Apple produces I automatically love/want/endorse. I always make it very clear that I am very partial to Apple when someone asks me what kind of computer they should buy. Better yet, when their PC is messing up, they don't have to wait a second to hear the words come out of my mouth, "Buy a Mac!"
So, I am excited for 2007 and Apple, as I plan to hopefully purchase a new laptop and cell phone this year. I'm already sold on the Macbook Pros as the perfect portable wonder-machine. As for the phone, even if the rumored iPhone is developed and perfectly executed, as one would assume, I still might not be interested in it, as I am more geared for a PDA/5.1 mp camera/mpeg-4 camcorder/wi-fi/coffee warmer/3g phone. So, we'll definitely have to wait and see on what Apple does or does not do with their phones.
Tune in to Apple's web site (not sure if they are streaming the video this year or not) and/or live blogger's web sites who will be at the keynote, for up to minute news and surprises on January 9th, starting at 11am (central). For more info, clicky here!
Posted by
1:03 PM