

It's been long over due... almost a full year since I have visited my home town, Petoskey, Michigan. I try to come here at least twice a year, but that doesn't always go to plan. So, that being said, I'm so happy to finally get out of the city madness for a week and chill at my dad's house. I love to spend time catching up with my dad and visiting my grandmother who is going on 98 years old this October. I don't do much when I come up here like I used to a few years ago. I make sure never to tell anyone I'm coming up, so that I can just take it all by ear and make sure I get lots of time in with family first. Hopefully that doesn't sound rude to my friends, but I think they would understand. I did contact a couple on Myspace today, so I may end up seeing a couple long lost friends after all. I have and will be uploading some pictures of the beautiful town on my Flickr account so do check them out!

On a side note, to people wondering what is going on with the LimeBlog, videoblog... we'll nothing at the moment, but that doesn't mean anything specific. I hope to get some new videos up within the month, if not, then no longer then the end of June, I promise! So stay tuned to that as well!


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